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Testimonial![]() “I want to stay at Boys’ Haven because it keeps me on the right path and away from trouble.
With this environment, I plan to graduate from high school with a scholarship and go to college and get a masters degree.” |
Who Are We?
Since 1945, Boys' Haven has remained steadfast in its mission to provide a secure haven for the young men and boys of Beaumont and its surrounding areas. As a nonprofit charitable institution, we are officially licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and rely on financial support from grants, fundraisers, and compassionate individual donors.
Boys' Haven offers a comprehensive array of programs dedicated to offering solace and guidance to young men during challenging phases of their lives. Many of these boys come from troubled homes, foster care backgrounds, or are referred to us in search of a more structured environment. Some even choose to stay with us for an extended period, until they complete high school or well into their college years, as our facility accommodates residents up to the age of 24.
Our programs are designed around the principles of education, structure, and diligence, prioritizing growth and development over punitive measures. We create an environment where natural consequences take place, and privileges are earned, encouraging personal responsibility.
The vision that "every boy deserves a home" was a belief held by our community, and for over seventy years, Boys' Haven has faithfully upheld this mission, ensuring that this dream remains alive for all the young men who seek our assistance.
Boys' Haven offers a comprehensive array of programs dedicated to offering solace and guidance to young men during challenging phases of their lives. Many of these boys come from troubled homes, foster care backgrounds, or are referred to us in search of a more structured environment. Some even choose to stay with us for an extended period, until they complete high school or well into their college years, as our facility accommodates residents up to the age of 24.
Our programs are designed around the principles of education, structure, and diligence, prioritizing growth and development over punitive measures. We create an environment where natural consequences take place, and privileges are earned, encouraging personal responsibility.
The vision that "every boy deserves a home" was a belief held by our community, and for over seventy years, Boys' Haven has faithfully upheld this mission, ensuring that this dream remains alive for all the young men who seek our assistance.
Fast Facts* More than 1,500 boys and young men have been served since our creation over 70 years ago
* Licensed to service 36 young men * It costs Boys' Haven approximately $30,000 per boy per year for services * Funding is provided by donations and grants only * Journey House has 14 beds set aside for 18-24 year old young men -Focuses on work, education, life skills, and document retention |
Operational Milestones & Programmatic Achievements
(1945) - Boys' Haven was founded by the Beaumont Optimist Club in an 18-room home located on Calder and Center streets offered by The Central Church of Christ. The Optimist Club raised $45,000 to get the ball rolling. On 10/25/1945 the doors opened.
(1946) - Boys' Haven week was proclaimed by the city Mayor. The week began February 4th through the 10th, during the week the city held an extensive campaign drive to raise $52,000 for the Haven. Contributors became honorary citizens. They raised $35,000 in two days.
(1947) - Boys' Haven moved to 3655 North Major Drive.
(1948) - Barn project was approved by the Board of Directors.
(1950) - Volunteers of the Board of Directors and throughout the community build a laundry room for the facility.
(1954) - Boys' Haven began receiving funds from United Way.
(1965) - Building suffered extensive fire damages; the board of directors passed a resolution for restoration and construction campaign. Two months later with help from 297 people donating anywhere from $1.00 to $5,000, they raised $50,000.
(1970) - State of Texas initiates new guidelines for residential childcare facilities, which required residents to obtain more personal space, ending dormitory-style living to a more home-like environment.
(1978) - Development Plan initiated, a committee was formed to raise $650,000 to build three cottages.
(1979) - The goal was not yet met; however, Judge Jack King and Don DeCordova signed a bank loan for the remainder, and the three cottages were built: Steinhagen, Middleton, Callaghan.
(1986) - First Annual Crawfish festival was held with the help of the "Cooks 2 Dozen."
(2000) - Boys' Haven implemented a home-school program designed to provide an educational setting for residents with difficulties performing in the public-school environment. It began as a half-day program, however, as the classroom size grew and so did the need for extended hours. By the next school year, the program increased from half to full day.
(2001) - With assistance of grants and community support, Boys' Haven began remodeling residential cottages.
(2002) - The administrative office building sustained extensive flood damage and Boys' Haven received financial support from F.E.M.A., which in turn allowed the organization to remodel the campus kitchen with new appliances as well. First United Methodist Church created its own Boy Scout Troop, for boys at Boys' Haven. With the help of Troop Leader, John Martinez, many of its young men develop leadership skills, which in turn increased self-esteem.
(2003) - Administrative staff increased with the addition of another casework manager for a total of two, better meeting residents' needs.
(2004) - Boys' Haven has extended residential counseling services. Initially the organization was able to provide only counseling for those kids labeled in some way or another (ADHD, bi-polar, ADD, ODD, etc.). Now all residents benefit from counseling services in individual and group sessions.
(2009) - A donor who wishes to remain anonymous, buys 2 brand new vehicles for the Boys' Haven campus, allowing more reliable transportation for residents to and from activities and events, also saving the haven a great deal of money in repairs of old vehicles. Along with the two new vehicles, the same donor, generously gave $25,000, which was put toward our allowance fund, which allows residents to be able to work and do jobs around campus and earn an allowance, teaching them that hard work pays off.
(2010) - The Beaumont Junior Forum funds the building of a brand-new pavilion in the center of the Boys' Haven campus, which is used for events, fundraisers, and a safe, covered area for the boys to play basketball and various games along with a storage building, which was added to our campus as well.
(2011) - State contract is awarded (GRO), allowing Boys' Haven to begin accepting children that are currently in the custody of Child Protective Services. Boys' Haven is awarded with a $25,000 benefit for children grant from Valero. Residents begin participating in Equestrian Therapy.
(2012) - New Administration Building is remodeled and put in use, freeing up another cottage to be used as a "Man Cave" and "Independent Living" headquarters. Resident roster doubles from previous year.
(2014) - BISD awards Boys' Haven with a modular building, allowing space for a satellite school and additional offices. This building is named after a long time supporter of Boys' Haven and member of the Southeast Texas Foster Grandparent Program, Grandpa Oscar Cole.
(2015) - Boys' Haven is awarded with a grant from the Foundation for Southeast Texas so that our residents are able to participate in an Equestrian Therapy Summer Program. Campus "Man Cave" gets a face lift thanks to the hard work and generosity of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.
(2016) - Boys' Haven is awarded with a grant from the Foundation for Southeast Texas so that our boys will be able to participate in an Equestrian Therapy Summer program again this year.
(2023) - Boys' Haven's Journey House Transitional Living Program (TLP) is born! With this program we can now service young men ages 18-24 who have aged out of foster care or are experiencing homelessness though other unfortunate circumstances. An application and referrals are required. Previous services have been temporarily cancelled.
Admin office has been moved from the small building to a cottage to better serve the needs of the residents. Middleton remodel has been ongoing since 2019 and is finally complete.
Education First awards us with a $4,500 grant for our new computer lab to better serve our residents.
(2024) - 02/12/24 - the Journey House ribbon cutting by the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce was a success. We had a record number of attendees including many board members and Mayor West. We also received a Certificate of Commendation signed by Senator Ted Cruz.
04/18/24 - Our Media Party at Madison's On Dowlen was so much fun getting everyone in the community hyped up for our Crawfish Festival.
05/11/24 - Our Crawfish Festival was held at the City's Great Lawn. Adding vendor booths to our event really brought our more community partners than we expected.
08/03/24 - A special shout out to Classic Chevrolet for another incredible Hot Summer Nights Car Show.
11/02/24 - Our very first Bingo Brunch was held at Madison's On Dowlen, and it was almost sold out. We are so thankful to everyone who supported our newest fundraiser.
In the first year of Journey House we helped 11 young men with over 1,000 days of service. We are thankful to continue to be a safe haven for young men in our community.
(2025) - 01/18/25 - We received a grant from PA LNG who asked that we have a free community health event. We had a blast planning a FREE community Health Fair on our property. We met local businesses we didn't know existed and everyone had wonderful things to say about it.
05/10/25 - Save the Date for the 40th Annual Crawfish. Food, and Music Festival that will be on our property this year!